Wall Sayings Decor

By Lisa, 27 February, 2014

Heaven Art

I am not one for having "sayings wall art" all over the house, one or two is enough for me. I did come across this on pinterest, thought it hit close to come. So of course rather than buy it i recreated it. Here is what I found on pinterest:

22c61fbc452308daa4af4b611ee9fb45I had all the supplies at home, it just took a very long time to hand paint each letter, yup...no stencils for me on this one! I think it turned out pretty well! I tried to keep along the same font style they used and I changed the background to a more neutral color to go with the colors in our home.

IMG_20140215_223450 (2)Finished Product!

IMG_20140226_215947 (2)


Laura (not verified)

11 years ago

I live this one. How much for you to make one for me?