Happy Birthday Grandpa

By Lisa, 17 August, 2016

Today is my grandfather's birthday, today is also the anniversary of his passing. Happy birthday Pop-pop.

g0Grandpa and his older brother

G1The first faded looking picture was his school picture from Seton Hall University. The rest are some pictures from his days during WWII.

g21950 he married my grandmother


g41950's & 1960's


Here are all of his grandchildren (5 girls), he was always one to play with us and goof around.

g6g5My grandparents owed their own wallpaper shop back in the day. Then my grandpa worked for Mattern's Wholesale Florist up until his passing.

grillMy grandpa and his grill- I guess some things never change



Debbie (not verified)

8 years 6 months ago

What a wonderful tribute to your grandpa! Nice job!


8 years 6 months ago

In reply to by Debbie (not verified)

Thank you!