DIY: West Elm inspired Branch Shelves

By Lisa, 5 February, 2013

This is currently our big project, we have never really worked with wood crafting. I wanted something other than wall canvas art for our family room, I found this picture online and looked EVERYWHERE to see where I could buy it. It turns out that the place that use to sell it does not sell it I was out of luck. I talked to my husband about it and he being the encouraging person that he always is said "Sure you can do it!"

Here is the piece/picture we are working off:

And so the project began...first step taking measurements.

Next step was sawing the wood into the branch measurements

Laying wood pieces out to create branch piece, also from here we had to figure out where we need to cut the wood to make the angles so that it all pieces together.

Sand wood (4 step process) this will help prepare wood and it gives it a richer appearance

Sanded wood pieces

The next couple of steps are pretty intermediate we did not know what we were getting ourselves into until we started. My husband had to purchase a drill press to drill holes in the wood to allow all the pieces fit together and firmly hold. The drill press gave the holes a "professional" appearance. Then with a little wood glue the piece was ready to be screwed together.

Using the drill press so that screwing in the screws would align easier.

Glued, Sanded and ready for platform shelves to be added:

This is the one shelf all primed and ready for the final paint finish!

So then after priming and painting I realized the look is not what I wanted, Its a branch shelf it needs to look more rustic. So after spending hours stripping the paint/primer and re-sanding (3-step process) and applying the polyurethane finish I was FINALLY happy with how the 2 shelves came out.


Here they are FINALLY hung on our wall!

8965894110_0f379a6e93_oMy husband thought it would be hilarious to put his action figures on the shelf...

8964727027_f6f76075f1_oHere is the finished product, FINALLY decorated!





fatima (not verified)

11 years 6 months ago

Do you have this branched wall shelves.????for sale...


11 years 6 months ago

In reply to by fatima (not verified)

Unfortunately not, they were a huge production to make. I got the idea from West Elm but now they do not even make them anymore. Sorry!

Ricardo Rodriguez (not verified)

7 years 10 months ago

I am also looking for this West Elm piece. Wish they would reissue it.


7 years 10 months ago

In reply to by Ricardo Rodriguez (not verified)

I know West Elm has a lot of "must have" items. When I saw this piece I fell in love with it, recreating was a must!